The Clean Energy Legislative Package is now law. It sets out the way that Australia will introduce a carbon price (tax) to reduce Australia’s pollution and move to a clean energy future.
Australian organisations will be impacted by the Government’s new climate change legislation that comes into effect from July 1st 2012.
A carbon audit (or carbon footprint calculation) is the process of calculating the greenhouse gas emissions emitted by a company, supply chain or individual product.
The Emissions are broken into 3 areas:
Scope 1 Emissions: The release of Greenhouse Gas into the atmosphere as a direct result of an activity.
Scope 2 Emissions: The release of Greenhouse Gas as a result of one or more activities that generate electricity, heating, cooling or steam that is consumed by the facility but does not form part of the facility.
Scope 3 Emissions: The release of Greenhouse Gas into the atmosphere that occurs outside the boundary of a facility as a result of the activities of the facility and are not scope 2 emissions.
Why not let us help you you identify areas within your business where you can minimise your liability under the new laws.
Our Green services include: